

Trader Joe에는 항상 신기한걸 판다는 건 익히 알고 있었지만 지난번에 우연히 들어갔다가, 미국에 온지 거의 9년만에 대학시절 기억 한편에 조용히 묵혀있던 데자와를 만났다.  Thank you Trader Joe!!

예전 대학시절 자판기에 500원 넣고 밀크티 버전 빼먹으며 참 좋아했는데.. (동아 오츠카) 암튼 Trader Joe에서 파는 다른 물건과 매한가지로 어디서 온거고 누가 만든건지 등등 식의 설명은 거의 없다. (가끔은 이걸 믿고 먹어도 되나 싶다..)

맛은 얼추 비슷.. 우유만 넣으면 될듯 싶다…  🙂


Breakfast Burrito @Bravern Cafeteria only @ $2?!!


Nowadays there is a “Power Hour” promotion going on at Bravern buildings – $2 Breakfast Burrito!

Promotion시간이 좀 이른 시간이라서….역시 부지런하고 볼일이다 & 사람은 서울로 보내고, 말은 제주로 보내고, Microsoft직원은 Eastside로 보내고 볼일이다.  그나마 Seattle에서 종종 몰래 출입하던 Amazon Cafeteria는 최근 가격을 올린듯싶고, 회사 Seattle Office의 그나마 부실했던 Cafe는 그것도 공사한다고 폐쇄했다…그냥 닫아버리고 회의실이나 더 만들어주면 좋겠단 생각…

나이가 들어서인지, 따뜻한 아침 먹을 때 가끔 아주 소소한 행복감을 느낀다… -_-;;;;;;;;  예전에 고등학교 시절에 아침에 일어나 학교나 도서관가서 얼음 가득한 콜라 한잔 뽑아마시며 캬~ 하던 젊은날의 기개는 어디로…..-_-;


Neoguri: Spicy Taste 너구리 얼큰한맛



오랜만에 맛봐주신 너구리.. original 너구리를 고집하여 한국에서 배송시켜 먹던 너구리 mania말마 따나, 미국 version은 뭔가 약간 다른듯 한데..

사실 너구리는 머언 옛날 이야기이지만 “흰색” 순한맛이 없어진게 제일 아쉬운 대목중 하나다..어디 “흰색” 순한맛 좀 안파나? (이젠 하도 오래되어서 맛도 가물가물하기도 하지만..)


Jong Shin Yoon- one of the Bing Keywords of today


어쩌다 윤종신이 Bing keyword로 나오게 되었을까? 사진은 박지윤인데? 🙂 뭐 요지는

Kpop의 무서운 위력인가? 암튼 click하면


일로 넘어감




Korean Heartfelt Holiday?!!!!! :)


What!? OMG!! Korean Valentine Day is Nov 11??!!!! Is this distorted history or culture or what? ….

Pepero Day is the most ridiculious “Day” in series of Korean “Commercial” days.. but now it is taught as part of Korean culture.. 😦

태현이 reading material에서 나온 statement… 뻑하면 무슨 Day에 연연하는 상업적인 행사가 한국의 고유한 문화로 오인되는, 어이 없고, 씁쓸한 현장이다… (정말 롯데 싫다 싫어…)

차라리 친구와 오손도손 짜장면을 시켜먹는 Black Day를 세계 만방에 는게 낳을듯(?) 싶다… 아니면 3월3일 삼삼한 삽겹살 day를 퍼트리면 어떨까? =.=;



Lowe’s – Lowest Satisfaction: Good Bye from now


When I took various marketing classes in my life during my undergrad and MBA, the theory always said “Bad experience/VOC is usually spread 8 times more than good experience/VOC” – stressing the importance of keeping customers happy. Here is my version of 8 times VOC blast for home improvement store experience – Lowe’s.

When it comes to home improvement/home appliance, I have always went to Lowe’s if possible – usually have more selections, more staffs in stores than Home Depot – every time I learn from store when I need to explore/fix something, and for appliances I do remember they had next day delivery, and I also thought Lowe’s has better deal vs. “incumbent” Home Depot.

Last week, our beloved 2nd refrigerator finally died quietly in our garage- making me rushing to store to purchase replacing refrigerator in ASAP since 2nd one was always used more like “longer term storage” of food.

Here are the series of journey I had to go through..

* Next Day delivery: Impossible – because I was late – I was at the store at 6:30 PM -not happy to get rejected but acceptable any how..this became next-next day delivery

* At the day after, I got a call that the product they had in store was defective- offered me to take floor sample with discount. The only thing I asked back is “Can it be still be delivered tomorrow?”, “It is working unit – correct?” and the answer was all yes.

* It got delivered but it took a while to start after plugging in electricity – something was weird, but the manual said it requires 24 hours of operation to fully function. So I put all the food we previously triaged in the newly arrived refrigerator.

* Next day, after 24 hour has passed – I found out all the food were melting with horrible smell in refrigerator. IT NEVER COOLED ANYTHING FROM BEGINNING.  Then I called to the store. They said to me to call to service. Called to Service they said call to Care. And finally called to Care. All in all, series of waste of time – explaining what happened 3 times & everyone was saying calling to store for replacement is the best option. All food I put were tossed away to garbage – my precious foods!!

* Next day, they called me up and said I need to wait 3 more days for new unit. – asked whether they can dispatch any from their neighbor stores – refused again – fine.

* At the day of delivery, no confirmation at all – so I called them up – and they said the driver talked with me on delivery time (Who?) and driver is 2 min away from me – waited for 20 min – called them back – said my refrigerator is at their store so delivery have to be delayed. What?! and heard series of reasons why it was missed in delivery truck. (it arrived at the store in that morning just before the truck was loading the delivery items – well I don’t care!) Nicely, I got my work schedule screwed up. – I was feeling just glad that I have a generous boss.

* So I left my unhappy “series of bumps” in their website and asked them to reach out to me via email if they want to. Yesterday, the customer service emailed me that store will reach out to me in next 24 hours. Today, Saturday night, I got a cold call from the store, saying how it is working – it is working fine. No word of apologies on product failure and delivery failure. Felt like he is calling me because I left the feedback on their store on website -but was totally waste of time for me to be on a phone with store manager who was never apologetic to me.

Conclusion & Direction from now: Whenever I am buying something, I am going to Home Depot directly or Costco. BTW, I found the pricing for the same one was exactly same in Home Depot.

Also a good reminder for me – on importance of alwaying thinking “in the shoe of customer” – solving the problem form customer’s perspective – I never cared how their internal process is. Also, sometimes, all it matter is just apologizing – I had no intention of asking anything back on my losses and issues I had to go though. All I just want to hear is any sincere apologies..

This was the follow up email I kindly wrote back to customer service again. Good Bye!


Thank you for you notice.
I did get a call from store today night – which was the most disturbing call – keep saying and asking me it is delivered and working – and no word of apologies for the things happened and no single mention of delay in delivery and the loss of food I had, plus the trouble I had to go through.
Also, by the way, when I left this comment, I believe I left the preferred way of communication as email, while the store called me up and just blasted what they wanted to say vs. what I wanted to hear. – Total waste of time for me.
I never wanted my experience to be lip-serviced with soul-less & non apologizing explanation, and my time wasted with no single word of apologies with cold calling. My bad I should have ignored the call rather than picking up the phone.
Anyhow, although I am not a contractor nor “heavy fixer” to be a frequent home improvement shopper, but going forward this refrigerator should be my last purchase on anything from Lowe’s, and I will never forget this experience and always drive directly to Home Depot without any hesitation since it is already close from my place.



US Healthcare & Insurance


작년부터 회사의 보험제도가 바꿔였다. 바뀌는 이유는 여러가지였지만 그 중 하나는 오바마 케어에서 요구하는 “모든 사람들이 보험을 가지고, 보험료를 내는 구조”에 맞추기 위해 바꾼다고 하고 바꿨다고 하는 해설이 있었다.

요인즉슨, 이전에는 100% cover해주던 환상적인 보험이 2013년부터는 의료비 총액기준 $3,750 (3인이상의 가족)까지는 본인 부담 100%, 그 이후는 총액 $25,000까지는 “90% 보험 cover 10%” 개인 부담이다. 단, 회사에서 연간 $2,500은 의료비를 직원 개개인에게 제공해주는 식… 결국, 조금만 안좋으면 병원가서 이것저것하던 모럴 해저드에서 왠만큼 아파서는 병원에 비용이 겁나서 못가는 비교체험 극과극이 되어버렸다.

서설이 길었고..

오늘 밤 작은 녀석이 다리도 아프고, 입도 아프고, 눈이 가렵다고 해서 야간에 하는 Urgent Care 병원에 갔더니 안약을 처방해줬다. 히스타민제 안약을 처방받아 , 처방전 들고 약국에 가보니 새끼손까락만한 안약 한 통에 불과 $148 밖에 안 한다고 한다.  미국의 의료시스템은 대국답게 스케일도 크고 너무너무 훌륭하다. 보험이 없었으면 $200이라 하니, 있는 보험에 감사한 마음까지 생기게 하는 건 보너스… 아참, 갔다온 병원에서는 끽해봤자 대략 $250 정도즈음만 청구 하겠지? 흥..ㅋㅋ

순간 지지난주에 큰애 앞머리가 다쳐서 응급실가서 본드 붙이고 온 청구도 생각이 났다. 그래도, 다행히 상처가 깊지는 않아서 꼬매지는 않았으니 $3,000 이상은 넘어가지 않을듯 싶다. 우습군…하하하..

대국의 의료제도는 지출하는 순간만은 내가 열라 부자라는 생각을 줘서 아주 고맙다..  게다가 의료 보험의 고마움도 매순간 느끼게 해주니  기분도 끝내주게 뿅가는데 맥주나 한 잔 마시고 자야겠다..   *&^^##@@!!!!@@#@#$^^&^$%%$^&&&^&^^%$%^^^#$%%&^@!@$#$#%$#^$#^&$^#^#@%$#@%$#@%$#@%$#%$#%$#@%$#@%$#^@%@#%$#@%#$@%$#@%@$#%.$#@$#@!%^@!#%#^#@$*&%$#@!$#@!$@#!!!!

그리고…. 결론적으로 직원 1인당 이전에 비해서 연간 $1000-$2000은 의료비로 지출을 하게 되니 (모럴해저드로 인한 과비용 지출은 일단제외하더라도) 나같은 직원이 미국에만 6만명 정도 있는 Microsoft의 주가는 이것만 봐도 상승의 여지가 높다. 보험을 통해 주가를 올려 직원의 충성도도 올려주는 구나….
